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Natureland Riceberry Rice 1kg
2.750 KWD
In stock
- Calories 180
- Fat 0
- Sugar 4g
- Total Carbs 38g
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- This Aloe Vera juice is a pure juice derived from the aloe vera plant. The plant is said to have more than 200 active ingredients including minerals such as magnesium, calcium and potassium and rich deposits of vitamin B, A, C & E. Aloe Vera juice is powerful antioxidant and helps reduce inflammation and prevent bacterial infection. As a Natureland Super Juice, this product exclusively contains organic grown and harvested aloe vera. The product is juiced and bottled from our German partner, and under highest quality standards, making it even better than common organic juices. One of nature’s true health secrets can be found in Aloe Vera juice. It is rich in anti-oxidants, nutrients and minerals and has a powerful immune boosting effect of the body. Natureland’s Aloe Vera juice is 100% pure organic aloe Vera with no additives or preservatives. The following reviews are given on an equivalent product, but not on the Natureland juice. We are looking forward to get your review!
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